Eversource Electric Sector Modernization Plan for Boston

On Monday, July 15th, A Better City hosted the BERDO Commercial Real Estate Working Group’s fourth meeting. In the Working Group’s third meeting, the group asked to hear from Eversource, the electricity utility in Boston, about their future electricity plans for Boston. The group wanted to understand the increased capacity projections, how this translates into new or updated substations within Boston, and when and if, any grid limitations are expected. Eversource, like other electric utilities recently submitted Electric Sector Modernization Plans (ESMPs) that are currently with the Department of Public Utilities. These plans lay out the electric utility’s plans to modernize to meet the Commonwealth’s climate goals.

Eversource presented elements of their ESMP and followed with a robust Q+A session. A recording is available.

Some very high level takeaways included:

  • The Eversource system’s current peak is around 6.1 GW
  • The demand over the next 10 years is projected to increase to 7.5/7.6 GW and increase to around 15 GW (x2.5) by 2050
  • The largest drivers of increased grid demand in Boston over the next 10 years is expected to be new construction and electric mobility
  • We will move from a summer peaking to a winter peaking system around 2035 as more heating becomes electric
  • Eversource’s electric system in Boston will be close to overload in the next 10 years without new and updated projects, so the scheduled implementation of major distribution infrastructure projects in Boston is summarized in the following slide:

Please reach out to Yve Torrie for any information on the BREDO Commercial Real Estate Working Group meetings or energy planning.



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