Making A Comeback: A Review of Federal Inftrastructure Grants and the Competition for Federal Funds

How is Massachusetts doing in securing federal infrastructure dollars? This report analyzes the outcomes of competitive grants supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act—looking at ​one hundred and thirty-six grant programs, managed by eleven different federal agencies, totaling over $200 billion in grant funds. This report shows that Massachusetts is performing slightly above average in securing competitive grant funds, ranking 17th in the nation in total funding awarded. However, this metric does not capture the Commonwealth’s dramatic improvement in securing funds in the past year. Since October 1, 2023, the Commonwealth ranks seventh in the nation for winning federal infrastructure grants, whereas ten months ago, Massachusetts stood at 34th. The data shows that Massachusetts is indeed making a comeback, but the race for competitive infrastructure grants will continue for the next three years. This report provides specific recommendations on the opportunities for Massachusetts to sustain this recent success under the Healey-Driscoll Administration and continue winning federal funding for infrastructure projects that build the future of the Commonwealth.